Business Controller Director_ Global Retail
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Business Controller Director_ Global Retail


A convenir

Tipo de contrato:



Jornada Completa

Años de experiencia:

Sin Experiencia

Tendam is looking for a Business Controller Director who work in a Global Retail department.
Reporting to Chief Retail Officer
Work in collaboration with SBEs and Operations Director to follow up business performance for Springfield and Cortefiel in Spain.
Supportthe International Director and Country Managers in the analysis of the performance of international markets.
Coordinate the real estate process for the submission of proformas and the review of projects for the Expansion Committee.
Manage Operations Capex and control investment budgets.
Analyze FTE management, create forecasts and propose actions to keep Payroll line under control.
Supervise the budgeting process from the Operations side and for the international business.
Monitor stores with negative EBITDA and stores not reaching proforma figurestogether with the field teams.
Identify opportunities for growth and profitability, as well as risks in the P&L of the business and the stores.
Coordinate maintenance and PRL initiatives together with the relevant teams.
Travel expenses in the field teams
Work, together with SBEs and Country Managers in defining cost control measures in the retail business.
Provide support and advice in decision making and guarantee the results set in the management plan.
Give recommendations towards the optimal financial management of the business.

Showing extensive finance and business controlling.
- Experience in working closed to the business operational leaderships- Demonstrating management skills- Having a very high level in the use of Microsoft Excel and being proficient in other Microsoft Office applications, suchas PowerPoint and Word- Obtaining financial modeling experience
Advanced skills:
- Having experience with a multi-national entreprise or managing very large divisions- Some computer or IT experience- Experience managing high-level professionals- Industry-specific financial experience- Advanced English

Nunca envíes tu información personal (DNI, foto,...), datos bancarios ni realices ningún pago para solicitar un empleo

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