Ofertas de Empleo de Traducción e Idiomas Comunicaciones Moviles

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2 ofertas encontradas de comunicaciones moviles

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TELUS International AI Inc.
Todo Madrid Madrid09/08/2024Teletrabajo

>> Job Description We are hiring freelance English & Spanish speaking Online Data Analysts for a project aimed at improving the content and quality of digital maps, which are used by millions of users globally. The job would suit someone who is detail-oriented, likes doing research and has a good knowledge ...

< 12 €Autónomo / FreelanceFreelance

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Todo Madrid Madrid05/08/2024Teletrabajo

Am seeking a talented writer to recreate story highlights that resonate more deeply with varied audiences and are adaptable to different institutional narratives. The primary goal is to ensure these stories are more engaging and can appeal broadly, especially within educational institutions. With a focus on making

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